Monday, October 13, 2014

Gelish Red With Swarovski Crystal Accent Nail


Hi everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend!
Today's manicure is inspired by my love for Swarovski crystals and red polish. Red  is my favorite color for nail (gel) polish but I can't have it on all the time, since I like experimenting with different colors and I also try to share at least one nail design a week on my blog.


I love the Swarovski inspired accent nail, which I've been seeing done by many European nail artists, but not so much in the states. I've played around glueing on nail art crystals on my nails for a long time, but always thought that completely covering a nail in crystals would be "too much". Well I did it and I like it! If you do feel that it it too blinky and no good, please DO NOT do it, but no hate please :-).

On the accent nail I started with a coat of Gelish Waterfield. Then I applied a coat of Gelish Base and I carefully arranged the crystals over it. I cured in my LED light for 1 minute and applied another coat of base. Cured again, and applied 2 coats of top coat (curing in between each one). Using base to apply rhinestones over gels  creates a pretty durable design, but crystals might fall. On the 4th day I had 2 crystals fall off and although  I can easily fix that, it does't really bother me and I'll most likely move to my next nail art idea. 
The red gel color I used is Gelish Cruisin' The Boulevard, which is from a limited edition collection.
The rhinestones I used are not real Swarovski brand, but they are good quality and are available on my Etsy Store.

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